
X-ray microscopy of a moth’s head.
XCAM X-ray imaging technology offers unparalleled choice for your scientific application. The information below is provided to give a sample of what we can offer, but we can tailor any system to your requirements. The possible options for chips scintillators, entrance windows, to name but a few components, are too varied to tabulate. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
XCAM X-ray imaging systems provide:
- High-resolution, up to 35 µm FWHM for indirect detection
- Indirect or direct detection of X-rays for optimization of the detection system response to your requirement
- Cryogen-free thermoelectric cooling, with supplementary water-cooling
- A selection of entrance windows are available for optimal transmission at your energy range of interest
- 12, 14 or 16 bit digitisation
- < 5 electrons rms noise, depending on CCD type
- Full software control of your system including, readout parameters, binning and windowing modes